4x Silo for dust of brown coal D= 6.5m (Silo pressure shock resistant)
Year of realization: 2012
Place of performance: Arcelor Mittal GmbH
Subject supplies: Projection,Production, Montage
1x Silo for dust of coal D= 10m
Year of realization: 2012
Place of performance: Bremen, Germany
Subject supplies: Projection,Production, Montage
Reinforcement gantry
Year of realization: 2011
Place of performance: Metro Praha, Trasa V.A., Czech Republic
Subject supplies: Projection,Production, Montage
4x Tank for gravel
Year of realization: 2011
Place of performance: Linthal, Switzerland
Subject supplies: Projection,Production, Montage
Formwork between tunnel vault walls
Year of realization: 2010
Place of perfortmance: Schochi Addler Tunnel, Russland
Subject supplies: Production
Conveyor - double belt
Year of realization: 2010
Place of performance: Kieswerk Trient, Nant de Drance, Switzerland
Subject supplies: Projection,Production, Montage